Wednesday, December 19

Using OSGi? Need logging?

We're very close to the first major release of Pax-Logging - if you're using OSGi and are still looking for a good logging provider, why not try the release candidate:



several major open-source projects are already using it to simplify their logging story.

Tuesday, December 18

An introduction to Pax tools for OSGi

I received an early Christmas present this year: my proposed tutorial for EclipseCon 2008 was accepted! Come along if you want to hear how Pax-Runner, Pax-Construct, Pax-Logging, and the rest of the Pax family can make life with OSGi much more bearable :)

Both Alin and I will be there to go through the tools, run demos, suggest OSGi best-practises, and answer questions. BTW, if you have any specific topics you'd like covered, let me know and I'll see if I can work them into the tutorial.

Hope to see you at EclipseCon 2008.

Tuesday, December 4

Pax Construct 0.6.2 Released

Moving to 0.6.2

You can update existing scripts and projects with the pax-update command. Or you can download the new scripts and manually change the maven-pax-plugin version in your project's pom.xml.

Change Log


  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-52] - pax-clone has issues with java files containing #. and #stop
  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-53] - pax-clone corrupts binaries
  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-54] - pax-validate.bat fails when invoked from cygwin
  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-55] - pax-import-bundle throws NPE when run outside of a maven project - it should report an error instead
  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-56] - pax:eclipse error using latest 0.6.2-SNAPSHOT
  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-57] - Support using Pax-Construct scripts in a directory with spaces under Cygwin


  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-50] - maven-pax-plugin can cause long compilation times when unpacking bundles with embedded dependencies
  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-58] - Add provided dependencies as required libraries in the Eclipse classpath to better support testing


  • [PAXCONSTRUCT-51] - Separate archetypes from the main pax plugin and scripts so they can be released separately